Finger Lakes Community College

In 2019, the MPB Fund learned that a record donation from the Sands Family Foundation would allow the doubling of the size of the Finger Lakes Community College Nursing program; Recognizing that expanding the MPB Fund to FLCC could assist student nurses in the geographic area between existing efforts in the Greater Rochester area and the Greater Syracuse Area, the MPB Fund expanded to FLCC and to date has helped dozens of students in need.
News & Articles
2/29/2024 – Finger Lakes Community College – New Funds to Help Nursing Students Stay On Track
2/23/2022 – Daily Messenger – New nursing scholarship at FLCC aims to offer financial assistance to students in need
2/16/2022 – Rochester Business Journal – Nursing Student Support Fund Established At Finger Lakes Community College
This letter is in appreciation for the scholarship money I am receiving for my summer Nursing course. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to be approved for this as I have been working for the last 4 years on my bachelor’s degree in the RN program.
I am a single mom, and I am trying to be a role model for my children and show them they can achieve anything they want with determination and effort. This scholarship will help me to complete the program and graduate. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity as I would not have been able to complete my degree without this.
I am a nursing student at FLCC and the recipient of the Mary Porcari Brady Emergency Nursing Scholarship.
I wanted to personally thank you for this opportunity. This scholarship will be a great help financially. This scholarship will be used to cover tuition costs so I can finish my degree in registered nursing this summer at Finger Lakes Community College.
After graduation I plan to work in the Emergency Department at Clifton Springs Hospital beginning this fall. I am beyond grateful for your generosity and providing an opportunity for me to reach new levels. Thank you so much!
I would like to take a moment to tell you what receiving this fund means to me. With this emergency scholarship fund, I can fix my transportation (my Hyundai Sonata) to and from FLCC, my current education lifeline. This last semester I couldn’t work full time due to being a nursing student which has caused me to use my savings.
Again, this fund would allow me to continue my education at FLCC and my nursing degree.
I would like to take the time to thank you again for your help while finishing my nursing degree. As a single mom of three, it has been hard keeping up with all my living expenses while pursuing my nursing degree.
This means so much not only to me but to my family as well! Having support like this allows me to keep up with my studies and not have to stress about how I am going to pay the rent.
I am sincerely honored to have been selected as a recipient of the May Porcari Brady Scholarship. I absolutely would not have gotten to this point on my own. Thank you for your generosity.
The scholarship will be used to defray my rental expenses for two months. Which will allow me to continue with my studies and be stress-free as a nursing student at Finger Lakes Community College. The end of the road is in sight, and it is my goal to be successful and to walk that stage come May. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work.
Thank you very much for enabling me to continue to do the hard work to succeed.
I am a student in the nursing program at Finger Lakes Community College and a recipient of the Mary Porcari Brady Emergency Nursing Fund. This scholarship will allow me to focus on school and help ensure I can be a successful student.
Healthcare is a hard field right now and in turn, makes this program more difficult. There are so many struggles we all face every day, but I am working hard to help when and where I can. At this point in my life, I feel like getting my nursing degree is a step in the right direction. I am thankful for this funding and opportunity that is allowing me to continue with school.
I want to thank you so much for helping me with purchasing my textbooks this year. The past year has been rough for me and my family. I survived a heart attack and COVID all in the same week.
Being accepted into the nursing program at FLCC was just the motivation I needed to keep pushing through and commit myself and do what it necessary to reach my goals and your generosity is making this possible for me. I cannot express my gratitude for your kindness in a note, but please know this has been a true blessing for me, my family, and our future.
Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a registered nurse and to be a bigger part of my community. I have worked so hard to get through these last two years of college and in recent months have had to significantly cut back on work hours to focus on my studies. Unfortunately, I fell short in my last semester of college and did not finish with a passing grade, and now need to retake a course this summer.
Since I haven’t been working, I am struggling with finances and had no idea how I would be able to pay for this summer course to pass and finish RN school. Thankfully, your generous scholarship is providing the opportunity for me to reach my goals and follow my dreams. I am forever thankful for this and sincerely thank you all for your kind donation. God bless you.
I want to say thank you. This scholarship means so much to me, I’ve been working on getting my RN for the last few years and have always had obstacles to overcome since the first semester of starting the nursing program. I must take a summer course to complete my degree to become a registered nurse.
With hard work and the financial help from your scholarship, I will be able to finish my dream of graduating with my Associates in nursing without stressing about paying for my tuition. I am so close to the finish line but unfortunately, I still must work to help pay for school and home finances. It has been hard academically and with work it makes it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork.
This scholarship will help me pay most of my tuition balance and I can cut back on my hours so I can focus and apply my hours to schoolwork. The goal is for me to finish the nursing program; this scholarship has made me one step closer. I greatly appreciate this scholarship and I am honored to receive it.